LOL. I want that hat.
Hehe, wonderful…. Boooooooooooooh :))
Don\'t get to see many scarecrows around here for some reason. Good catch. I like the black and white, too.
Funny picture
If I lived closer I\'d have just found my Halloween costume.
awesome!!!!! creepy too!
Definitely not a scarecrow, but rather, a rain goddess.
Ho, ho, very funny. Wish I could see her face.
NO, not scaruy at all. It\'s ballet! 😀
hi hi hi love it! posing for u! 😉
Ha ha, he\'s very nice :-)! Well spoted.
boooooooooh – — sppooooookkkkyyyyy
Lol! I\'ve seen a few scarecrows, but this one is cute. Neat shot!
that\'s really funny. cool landshot!
This is not scary.. this is funny… great shot !
haha,this is wonderfully striking,very welcoming !
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LOL. I want that hat.
Hehe, wonderful…. Boooooooooooooh :))
Don\'t get to see many scarecrows around here for some reason. Good catch. I like the black and white, too.
Funny picture
If I lived closer I\'d have just found my Halloween costume.
awesome!!!!! creepy too!
Definitely not a scarecrow, but rather, a rain goddess.
Ho, ho, very funny. Wish I could see her face.
NO, not scaruy at all. It\'s ballet! 😀
hi hi hi love it! posing for u! 😉
Ha ha, he\'s very nice :-)! Well spoted.
boooooooooh – — sppooooookkkkyyyyy
Lol! I\'ve seen a few scarecrows, but this one is cute. Neat shot!
that\'s really funny. cool landshot!
This is not scary.. this is funny… great shot !
haha,this is wonderfully striking,very welcoming !