The Wedding

The Wedding
Josh and Krista

This entry was posted in North Carolina, Wedding.


  1. Sherri September 5, 2007 at 11:26 pm #

    I love the petals on the pavement at the bottom of this image.

  2. Claus September 5, 2007 at 5:30 pm #

    A lovely moment you have captured here, but i would have cloned the thing in top of the image away!

  3. Marianne September 5, 2007 at 3:09 pm #

    Nice wedding shot. They look like they are very much in love -hopefully they are :-). Great with the flowers in the foreground. But I think the picture would be better without the ceiling.

  4. BrianBastinelli September 5, 2007 at 12:44 pm #

    I love the perspective of this shot, it\'s unique and in line with today\'s journalistic style for weddings.

    For me I wish there was a bit more drama to the sky. I know thats not A. in your control and B. not the focus of the image, but none the less…

    Also I think I might haveremoved the little bit of whatever it is on the lsft above the trees and maybe even the half man on the right.

    I don\'t know, what do you think Nick? Is there a reson he\'s there, I could take him or leave him I think.

    I like it though its a cool shot. Weddings are nerve racking for me. I have only shot two and really didn\'t like the results. I shoot two additional ones as an attendee and not a photographer and got three of my favorite shots.

    From what I have seen you have done a very nice job with this wedding, interesting perspectives, and a good eye for what the viewer would want to see. Nice!

  5. austriaka September 5, 2007 at 2:04 am #

    Beautiful DOF on the bricks with the flower petals, great idea

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